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Report Concerns

Please use the below forms to report any concerns you may have.

Report Safeguarding Concern

If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of one of our pupils, please fill in this form.

Please be aware that during weekends and school holidays you will not be able to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or the Designated Safeguarding Deputies.

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or young person during these times, please contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 273 4855 (24-hour service) 

If you think a child or a young person is in immediate danger, please call the Police on 999 at any time.

If you are a child or young person and are worried or feel unsafe then you can get help from Childline a free, private and confidential service. You can chat online or on the phone, 0800 1111, any time.

Report Racism

If someone discriminates against you because of your race, the colour of your skin or where you’re from, that’s racism. And racism is a crime.

What is it?

Racism is when someone is discriminated against (singled out) because of their race, the colour of their skin, their nationality, their accent or first language, or their ethnic or national origin. Racism is a hate crime, and is illegal.

I’m not sure if I’m the victim of racism.

Hate crime can include physical attacks, offensive graffiti, the threat of attack, verbal abuse and bullying at school. It can be via email, text or social media. The police’s definition of a hate crime is: ‘Any incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.’ So in short, if you think it’s racism, it is racism.

Report Online Safety Concern

Our responsibility is to ensure that children are safe when using the technology, this is called online safety. Online safety is important as it safeguards children and emphasises the use of technology in a positive way, it also encourages  children to develop safer online behaviours.

Report Bullying

What is bullying?

Are you or someone you know…

  • being called names?
  • being pushed, hassled or threatened?
  • being beaten up, spat at or kicked?
  • having your things taken or damaged?
  • being made fun of or called names by anyone?

If the answer is Yes, that is bullying. This includes any name-calling or threats received via text message, emails or social networking sites like Facebook.